Monday, October 1, 2007

Upcoming Tests

Final exams for Brave New World

On Friday, Oct. 5 students will write an in-class blue book essay. On Friday, students will be given four essay questions, and they get to choose which one they wish to answer. The essay will be worth 50 points. Students are allowed to use their notebook and their novel on this essay exam.

On Monday, Oct. 8 students will answer a 50-question multiple choice exam (also for 50 points). The test has multiple choice questions on plot, a character matching section, a vocabulary matching section, and a miscellaneous multiple choice section with questions on Huxley's life and the three short pieces of fiction we studied--"Assembly Line," "Unknown Citizen," and Stanislaw Lem's "Electronic Bard." If you wish to review any of those short selections, links are available on this blog.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to make a comment in reference to one of the polls; specifically the one that asks for our opinion as to who is the antagonist is it. Since in my opinion the protagonist is John, I feel that the antagonist does not have to be any of the people listed and could instead be the 'civilized' World State. I say this because it is this 'civilization' that poses the greatest obstacle for John and with which he conflicts. I may say that, after the end of the book, John could also have been antagonizing himself... but I feel it all circles back to the so-called 'civilization' presented in the book.

Luigi said...

I would just like to point out that i belive the antoganist to be Mustapha Mond. Reason being that his actions throughout the novel seem to show that he is kind of that character who knows whats going to happen and is more informed than anyone else. For example, he had read forbidden novels and knows more than anyone else thus he can be seen as a dictator, which typically is seen as an antogonist in our world.