Sunday, February 3, 2008

Handmaid Vocab, pages 34-66

lie vs. lay (p. 37): According to Diana Hacker's Writer's Reference, "lie is an intrasitive verb meaning to 'to recline or rest on a surface.' Lay is a transitive verb meaning 'to put or place.'" (Transitive verbs take direct objects. Intransitive verbs do not take direct objects.)

disconsolate (p. 38): unhappy; without solace

cassock (p. 43): a long garment worn by the clergy

foundered (p. 44): to sink; to fail

parley (p. 49): a meeting or conference between enemies

lugubrious (p. 54): mournful; gloomy; dismal

pantaloons (p. 62): loose-fitting underwear that goes all the way to the knee.

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