Thursday, October 18, 2007

Siddhartha Questions for Chapters 1 & 2

Stage 1 Questions: Re-tell the story.

These are content questions where the answer is right there in black and white. These questions are similar to reading quiz questions. You may ask a stage 1 question when you feel clarification is needed regarding the facts surrounding the plot, settings or characters.

Stage 1 Questions: Siddhartha Chapters 1 & 2

Why does Siddhartha leave his father?

What happens during Siddhartha’s stay with the Samanas? Why does he leave?

Stage 2 Questions: Extend the story to themes and explore literary devices.

These theme questions uncover the deeper meaning of a text. What is the author's central meaning or life lesson? Theme questions get at eliciting people's opinions that are supported with textual references. Stage 2 questions also uncover the author’s style and analyze literary devices used in the text.

Stage 2 Questions: Siddhartha Chapters 1 & 2

What themes is Hesse developing about parent/child relationships?

What are the necessary steps to finding yourself?

How do the circle and the sphere relate to the themes being developed in the book?

Stage 3 Questions: Connect the themes to personal experiences or world events.

These questions allow students to express their opinions about personal and world issues that they feel are relevant to their lives. To form a stage 3 question relate what you’ve read to your thoughts and feelings. Compare what you’ve read to other books, films and pop culture.

Stage 3 Questions: Siddhartha Chapters 1 & 2

Create a circle map where you define “search for self.” The frame of the map should include personal examples of you finding yourself.

Discuss a time when you disagreed with your parents. Be sure to comment on how the disagreement was resolved.

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